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NR12 certification NR12认证
发布时间:2023-10-10        浏览次数:11        返回列表
NR12 certification NR12认证

SICE is a global Certification and Inspection service firm. We are the trusted, experienced and professional consultants in CE, NAKS, DOSH, NRs, Blue-Angel and PV-Module. Our scale, scope, and knowledge allow us to overcome barriers to market entry. We have deep functional and industry expertise as well as breadth of geographical reach, and We are designated as a Conformity Assessment Body. We aim to be the most competitive and the most productive service organization. Our core competencies in inspection, verification, testing and certification are being continuously improved to be best-in-class.

If you are a machine manufacturer exporting to Brazil or operating machinery in Brazil, then to comply with the re of NR-12 you will need a service partner to provide comprehensive advice and support when dealing with the complex compliance and legal issues.

International compliance through recognised specialistsSICE experts in Brazil are recognised specialists in the field of NR-12 compliance and will support you throughout the entire NR-12 conformity assessment procedure. That way you can be sure that you satisfy all the re of the Brazilian regulatory standards and that the health and safety of your staff is assured.

A capacita??o em NR 12uanto aos riscos a que os operadores de máquinas e e est?o expostos e, as medidas de prote??o existentes e necessárias para a preven??o de acidentes e doen?as ocupacionais. O empregador deve fornecer capacita??o aos trabalhadores envolvidos na opera??o, manuten??o, inspe??o e demais interven??es em máquinas e e.

在巴西,工作场所的安全受到Norme Regulamentadore(NR)的规范,这是强制性的立法行为。特别是,有关工作场所工业机械安全的主要法律是NR 12巴西标准 “Seguran?ano Trabalho emMá E”,它规定了设计师,制造商,进口商和雇主的特定义务。

任何希望从世界各地向巴西出售机械的制造商都必须 在机械设计阶段遵守NR 12巴西标准 。工业机械必须符合NR 12巴西法规以及其他适用NR和ABNT技术巴西标准的要求。在巴西,工作场所的安全受到Norme Regulamentadore(NR)的规范,这是强制性的立法行为。特别是,有关工作场所工业机械安全的主要法律是NR 12巴西标准 “Seguran?ano Trabalho emMá E”,它规定了设计师,制造商,进口商和雇主的特定义务。

    • 地址:上海市红林路2号1303室
    • 电话:021-66032575
    • 手机:18217716908
    • 联系人:戴文彬
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